Simplex Method

September 29, 2022 | Nanduni Premachandra


The Simplex method is an approach to solving linear programming models by hand using slack variables, tableaus, and pivot variables to find the optimal solution to an optimization problem. The Simplex method was developed by Dr. George Dantzig in 1947. A linear program is a method of achieving the best outcome given a maximum or minimum equation with linear constraints.  Most linear programs can be solved using an online solver such as MATLAB, but the Simplex method is a technique for solving linear programs by hand.  To solve a linear programming model using the Simplex method, the following steps are necessary:


●  Standard form

●  Introducing slack variables

●  Creating the tableau

●  Pivot variables

●  Creating a new tableau

●  Checking for optimality

●  Identify optimal values


Some of the most important points in studying the simplex method are given below.







Let us see the Simplex method with an example.


         Maximize    Z = 6x1+ 8x2

         Subject to:   5x1 + 10x2 ≤ 60

                                 4x1 + 4x2     40

                                 x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥0


STEP 01: Standard Form

       The standard form is the baseline format for all linear programs before solving the optimal solution

       Maximize   6x1+ 8x2 – Z = 0

         Subject to:   5x1 + 10x2 + S1 = 60

                                 4x1 + 4x2   + S2    = 40

                                 x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥0, S1 ≥0, S2 ≥0


S1 and S2 are Slack Variables.


STEP 02: Construct the Initial Simplex Tableau




Initial Table

STEP 03: Check Optimality

STEP 04: Identify the Pivot Element

Min Ratio = (6, 10) = 6



STEP 05: Create the New Tableau

b      c

a      d

         Pivot Element = a

         After pivot the new value of c = c – (b × d) / a


                     New value = 4 – (5 × 4) / 10 = 2

Min Ratio (12, 8) = 8                      Pivot Element = 2

After considering step 05, we obtain the next table.

x1* = 8         x2* = 2         max Z = 64

Basic Variables = x1, x2

Non-Basic Variables = S1, S2

Nanduni Premachandra